A Women’s Health Essential: Annual Well-Woman Exams

At JM Wellness & Aesthetics in Burleson, Texas, we understand that every woman is unique and has different health needs. That’s why we offer comprehensive well-woman exams to help you maintain your health and wellness throughout every stage of life.
JM Wellness & Aesthetics is a women's health clinic

Complete Annual Physicals and Screening for Women

A well-woman exam is one of the most important steps that women 18 years and up can take to protect their health. This is an annual preventive screening for breast and gynecological conditions, specific to women’s health. During your visit, we’ll discuss your health and lifestyle behaviors and will perform a physical exam of your breasts and pelvis.

The medical professionals at JM Wellness & Aesthetics are committed to providing thorough and experienced women’s health care that is accessible, affordable, and convenient. Contact our clinic to learn more about well woman exams and supporting therapies, then schedule a visit for all your preventive health needs.

How Often Do I Need a Well-Woman Exam?

Most women over the age of 18 should schedule a well-woman exam once a year. If you have existing conditions that require more frequent monitoring, or if you develop symptoms such as abdominal pain or abnormal bleeding, schedule an exam to address those concerns right away.


The tests and screenings included in all JM Wellness & Aesthetics women’s health physicals are designed to catch risks early. If it’s been more than a year since your last complete well-woman exam, schedule a visit with us today. We’ll get your appointment scheduled quickly, at our convenient Burleson, Texas, location.