Lipotropic injections are safely and effectively used to help release fatty deposits from the body. Common areas of fat loss include the stomach, inner thighs, neck, buttocks and hips. The injections are also credited with specific benefits due to the effects of certain ingredients, beyond fat release:
Our injections include B-12, Methionine, Choline, Inositol, Carnitine, Thiamine, and Dexpanthenol. Methionine and Inositol help the liver remove fat. Choline helps distribute cholesterol and prevents it from depositing in the body. B12 helps speed up the overall metabolic processes and create a greater feeling of overall energy and metabolism boost. Carnitine is an amino acid that helps stimulate the liver into optimizing the process of metabolism. Dexpanthenol and Thiamine are B vitamins designed to increase the effects of the other vitamins listed.
Want to learn more? Schedule a consultation to discuss your questions and concerns, one-on-one with a member of the JM Wellness & Aesthetics medical team.
B-12 is a B-vitamin. It is found in a variety of foods such as fish, shellfish, meats, and dairy products. For those who have a Vitamin B-12 deficiency, this injection can boost oxygen delivery, metabolism, energy, help treat or prevent anemia, and provide an overall sense of well being.
Vitamin D is a vitamin commonly used to help boost the immune system, help develop stronger bones, and improve your overall sense of well-being. Many of our patients will inject vitamin D weekly to every other week during winter months to help combat seasonal depression.
Schedule a consultation to speak with one of the medical professionals at JM Wellness & Aesthetics to make sure Lipotropic injections are right for you. Consultations start at $55, and include a discussion of your medical history, concerns, and possible risks.
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